I am Alpha & Omega
The Beginning and The End
Very recently while studying the book “Who Shall Be Able to Stand?: Finding Personal Meaning in the Book of Revelation” by S. Michael Wilcox. Towards the end he talks about the phrase used all throughout the scriptures “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end”.
This phrase is commonly used when God introduces himself. It is meant to tell those who are listening that this is the God that was there when the Heavens and Earths were created, and will be until the end of time.
He then discusses what we can additionally take from this phrase.
If God truly is Omega, or the end, there must be an end to something. Through Christ’s suffering, he became the end to our suffering. He provides the end to our guilt, pain, sorrow, and tears. He provided an end to death, and sin.
Conversely, he is also the beginning. He is the beginning of forgiveness, happiness, and peace. He provides tears of joy. And as death ends, eternal life begins.
So as Christ introduces himself as Alpha and Omega, when he says he is the beginning and the end, he is not only saying he has been guided his people from the dawn of time, and will until time fades away, but is saying that during every moment in between he will be with us to end our pain and begin our joy.
What a comforting thought it is to know that He will always be with us, always lifting us.